When the main airways within the lungs get inflamed and irritated due to infection, it is known as bronchitis.
When the main airways within the lungs get inflamed and irritated due to infection, it is known as bronchitis. The major symptom of it is a cough that also brings up phlegm-yellowish grey mucus. It also causes wheezing and sore throat.
A hacking cough is the main bronchitis symptom. Other symptoms include:
It is quite a common condition and affects millions of people every year. Mostly young children, elderly people, and infants are at the risk of acute bronchitis and people belonging to the other age groups. Although chronic bronchitis can affect anyone, it is more common in adults above 45 years of age, especially in smokers. Women are twice more at risk of being diagnosed with bronchitis than men. People who smoke frequently and also suffer from existing lung ailment are more at risk of it. Also, workers who are regularly exposed to chemical vapors, fumes, and dust are more at risks such as those working in textile manufacturing, coal mining, livestock farming and grain handling. The symptoms of chronic bronchitis worsen due to allergies, infections and air pollution.
Doctors will diagnose it by studying your medical history:
Tests recommended for final diagnosis include chest X-ray, blood tests, and lung function tests.
Regular bronchitis cases do not require treatment from a healthcare expert. You can manage the symptoms at home. However, medically there is no proper cure for chronic bronchitis except adapting the healthy lifestyle.
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