Arsenicum album is on the list of the top fifteen most essential remedies in homeopathy. It is derived from arsenic and is poisonous in the crude form. Arsenicum in homeopathy is prepared
Arsenicum album is on the list of the top fifteen most essential remedies in homeopathy. It is derived from arsenic and is poisonous in the crude form. Arsenicum in homeopathy is prepared by removing arsenic from cobalt, iron, and nickel at high temperatures. Then the powder is diluted and ground with lactose.
Most of the pills contain a single molecule of original arsenic. Arsenicum album in homeopathy is used to treat a wide range of symptoms.
Earlier Arsenic was used as a remedy for cattle disease but later on, it was successfully tried on human diseases and was considered as one of the best ailments in homeopathy.
However, it is not necessary that homeopathy will suit every patient. In many cases, there is no positive effect even sometimes side-effects are also experienced.
Arsenic is recommended when the intake is in normal food quantity.
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