
Is Coffee Good For Heart Patients?

Caffeine intake in moderation is good for heart health (CVD), and other diseases.

Caffeine intake in moderation is good for heart health  (CVD), and other diseases.

  • According to federal dietary guidelines intake of three to five cups of coffee per day can improve heart health but it occurs only for black coffee with less caffeine content.
  • A study by the British Heart Foundation in 2019 says drinking limited coffee will not cause heart diseases.
  • The Queen Mary University of London in the UK found that coffee doesn’t cause arterial stiffness or cardiovascular problems.

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  • As the more studies evolved coffee consumption is declared as good for heart patients and doesn’t increase the heart risk factors.
  • Some times consumption of Coffee with an empty stomach more than 2 Cups can cause acidity problems.

         Consult your cardiologist for more opinions.


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Posted By Plus100years / April 18, 2023


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