In this era, it is very hard to know which is good or not for weight loss due to infinite choices in the market. But, it is always best to choose natural
In this era, it is very hard to know which is good or not for weight loss due to infinite choices in the market. But, it is always best to choose natural and home remedies to reduce weight without any side effects as the below listed top 10 weight losing juices.
So, the best secret of weight loss is inculcating a very good amount of Vegetables and fruits in the daily diet but not starving oneself. Learn the best top 10 weight losing juices here.
This is the best of the best list in consideration of vegetables and fruits for weight loss. Know the recipe, benefits and the facts about the top 10 weight losing juices.
Chop carrots into small pieces and blend it. Add lemon juice, ACV, black pepper to the juice and stir well.
Blend cabbage and cucumber and add black pepper and lemon juice. Stir this well.
Blend beetroot and add lemon juice and salt to it.
Blend aloe vera into a thick liquid, add lemon juice and pinch of salt and stir well.
{ Also Read: Cumin water for weight loss }
Grind pineapple by adding some water and add lemon juice, pepper to the juice and stir well.
Blend cucumber and add lemon juice, salt to it. Stir well and consume every day.
Blend and add gooseberry juice, pepper, and black salt and stir into a smooth juice.
{Also Read: Amazing Health Benefits of Fruits and Vegetables }
Blend bitter gourd and add salt to it.
Mix lemon, honey, and water very well and drink on empty stomach every day in the morning.
Blend pomegranate and mint leaves. Strain the juice and add lemon juice and black pepper to it.
Along with everyday consumption of any of these top 10 weight losing juices, follow the below tips to lose weight properly.
Store-bought juices cannot be a substitute for these natural and organic top 10 weight losing juices. They can be high in sugar content and saturated materials. So, spare some time and make your juices for you to be fit and healthy. Eat Best! Live Happily! Drink natural Juices! Stay Healthy!
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Author’s Bio: Ashreetha Pendkar Is a Healthcare writer, trainer and Digital marketing expert, she loves to read healthcare content and spreading her words about the importance of the health to near & dears.